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Requirements and dependenciesโ€‹

  • Docker
  • Nodejs (to install from the npm registry)


npm install -g @icon-community/drogon


โฏ drogon -h
_ .-') _ _ .-') .-') _ ,---.
( ( OO) )( \( -O ) ( OO ) )| |
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`-------' `--' '--' `-----' `------' `-----' `--' `--' '--'
Usage: Drogon [options] [command]

Compile, Test and Deploy ICON Contracts with ease!

-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command

install Installs required SCORE dependencies
init Initialize a new Drogon project
compile [options] Compile the Drogon contracts
test [options] Run the tests against the Drogon contracts
gradlew [options] Run gradlew commands against the Drogon project
optimize [options] Optmize contracts from the Drogon project
deploy [options] Deploy contracts from the Drogon project
keystore [options] Generate keystore
goloop [options] Run goloop commands against the Drogon project
sandbox Run a local network in the Drogon project
help [command] display help for command

See the foot note, if the packaging has failed for you

drogon installโ€‹

Please make sure to start Docker before running any of the following commands. only has to be done once per installation

The sub-command install pulls in the docker images of gochain and Drogon from icon-community's packages and makes Drogon action ready.

NOTE: install must be done before running any other sub-commands.

drogon install

once this is done, drogon is ready. Happy hacking ๐Ÿš€